
Can Skin Lightening Cream be Dangerous to Your Client’s Health?

Are Skin Lightening Creams Dangerous? Many people these days are using skin bleaching or lightening cream in order to improve their complexion or treat a wide variety of skin imperfections. From age spots to hyper-pigmentation to sun spots and blemishes, skin lightening creams are used in many countries by many different people for many range of reasons.

These creams are popular because many skin conditions can be improved by lightening creams and the expectation of brighter, clearer skin remains a powerful one in our culture. Lightening creams can be used for:

  • Uneven pigmentation of the skin
  • Age spots or liver spots
  • Lightening of the complexion
  • Treating dark circles under the eyes
  • Softening the appearance of dark scars or acne scarring
  • Removing or lightening birth marks or spots on the skin

Health concerns

With a rising number of people using these products, concerns have arisen over the ingredients and the potential damage these products may be having on people’s skin and general health.

While it is true that some lightening products do contain potentially harmful ingredients, this does not mean that all creams are going to be hazardous to the health of your clients. There are two main ingredients that your client’s should avoid and they can be found in many, but certainly not all, skin bleaching or lightening products. These ingredients are hydroquinone and mercury.


There have been many health concerns raised lately regarding our use of mercury in health products, dental fillings and even in our food, so most people are aware of the dangers of too much mercury absorption. Not only can it cause irritation to the skin and eyes, at higher concentrations it can cause serious health affects including:

  • Hindered brain development
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Allergic reaction
  • Coughing
  • Neurological impairment

At high enough concentrations, mercury can even be fatal. For this reason, many places have banned its use in cosmetic products altogether.


Linked to organ toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and developmental toxicity, this chemical has been shown to increase the skin’s exposure to UVA and UNB.

Safer alternatives

When carrying skin lightening creams in your clinic, be sure to avoid these dangerous ingredients and look for something with more natural components.

Clients can even try a DIY solution of lemon juice, kojic acid, and licorice extract, but alternatives to keep on your shelves may include Revitol Skin Brightener Cream or Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex. Both are highly effective at lightening the skin without the need for harsh and dangerous substances.