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How to Market Your New Laser Hair Removal Services

We’ve been talking about Laser Hair Removal as it is our newest class offering, and an important part of the aesthetic industry! So, if you’ve made the leap into the world of lasers and light-based treatments, you may be wondering how to market your new offering. 

Internal Marketing

First things first, you need to work on the internal marketing of your new service. This means, marketing to your existing customers. Start with signage and marketing collateral in your office. Place signs and brochures around the office promoting the new service. But a few signs won’t sell themselves. You (and your staff!) must also be proactive in talking with your patients and customers about your new service. Mention it to them as an additional service that you now offer and hand them some more information about it. Make sure to also mention your certifications or licenses – your credentials and experience in dealing with lasers. You can also send out emails to your existing client base telling them about your new service, and even offer them a discount or special offer.

External Marketing

Now that your existing patients know about your service offering, it’s time to start expanding to potential clients. This includes updating all your marketing materials/collateral to include your new service. Your website and social media (if not already updated) should reflect laser hair removal services. This would be a great time to throw some budget towards advertising on social media, google etc. Start trying to target additional demographics – such as men or those with darker pigmentation. Again, offer a discount or deal for new clients if possible.

Focusing on how your practice now offers a comprehensive approach to aesthetic treatments is going to be key. You can offer everything from lasers to injectables, to whatever else you choose to offer, making it a one-stop shop for many people. 

Again, we stress the importance of receiving the right training in using these devices before starting. Check out our course calendar for upcoming laser hair removal classes or reach out to acamp@aestheticadvancements.com for more information on our courses!