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How to Price Your Aesthetic Procedures

Setting aesthetic procedure prices can be one of the biggest challenges in your practice. You’ll need to consider the cost of performing aesthetics procedures. How much of a percentage of your overall practice they make is another important consideration.

Aesthetic Procedure prices

But knowing what to include in aesthetic procedure prices allows you to provide the aesthetics services that many of your clients are looking for, while maximizing its value to your business.

The Rise of Aesthetics Procedures

Practitioners have realized the benefits of providing aesthetics procedures to their clients. It has become one of the most profitable services that you can provide. More people are choosing aesthetics procedures, as their safety and effectiveness have been demonstrated over time.

These treatments offer a less expensive option for those who have considered cosmetic surgery. They minimize discomfort and the need for taking time away from work. Clients are extremely satisfied with the results they get, and help build awareness for your business.

Finding the Right Aesthetic Procedure Prices

Before you can price your aesthetic procedures, you’ll need to consider other areas of your practice. For example, there are inherent costs in providing these services.

Equipment and disposable materials add to your overhead costs. The pricing for your aesthetics services should be placed alongside other operating costs of your practice.

Aesthetics procedures will also take time to administer. The price you set for these procedures should be appropriate to the time it requires out of your other services and responsibilities.

In addition, the time needed to train staff in new procedures and administrative issues should also be included in your pricing of treatments.

The biggest challenge for practitioners is the different payment approach required when offering these services. The traditional use of insurance will generally not apply, and you’ll need to decide how you plan to process these payments.

The Service You Provide

It’s helpful to keep in mind that your aesthetic procedure prices include the expertise and skill that you bring to what often appears to be a simple procedure. Aesthetic services require an extensive background in anatomy, along with the ability to respond to any complications that may occur.

Clients undergoing aesthetic treatments often require more time and attention, making it more time-intensive for you.

Many aesthetic professionals struggle in determining aesthetic procedure prices. Understanding what the total cost is of providing those services, while keeping in mind the additional time and expertise required, will help you determine your fees in a way that benefits you and your clients.