
Introduction to Radiofrequency Microneedling

This treatment has continued to gain interest from patients everywhere. For anyone who’s new to it or wants a refresher, this FAQ-style post is for you.

What is radiofrequency microneedling?

The basic idea is to combine radiofrequency with microneedling. It’s really that straightforward. The microneedles make tiny openings in the skin and provide the radiofrequency direct access to the deeper layers of the skin. The effect warms the targeted tissue and stimulates the growth of new collagen, capillaries, and elastin. Rejuvenating the skin is the main goal and the combination of the two treatments allows them to have an even deeper impact on the skin.

The downtime is minimal or non-existent, but it could take up to 4 treatment sessions to achieve your patient’s goals.

There is another form of this treatment that includes platelet-rich plasma from your own blood. This has been most effective with treating athletic injuries, but is also making inroads into aesthetic skin care.

What can radiofrequency microneedling be used for?

Radiofrequency microneedling is used for a variety of aesthetic concerns.

It is most effective for:

  • Acne scars
  • Skin rejuvenation for fine lines
  • Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

It is also used for:

  • Stretch marks
  • Cellulite
  • Enlarged pores
  • Scars

What are the side effects of radiofrequency microneedling?

The most common side effects are dryness, scaling, itching, redness, swelling, tightness, cold sores, peeling, and slight acne flare-ups. They are usually limited to a few hours or maybe a few days and go away on their own. Reduce potential side effects by using a new needle cartridge for every patient session.

Here are some side effects to watch out for as they’d require further medical attention.

  • Any allergic reaction, such as to the needles
  • Infection
  • Headache
  • Bruising
  • Prolonged bleeding, swelling, or redness
  • Fatigue

Who is most likely to benefit from radiofrequency microneedling?

The best patients are those who are in good health, have slight signs of aging, and understand what this treatment is meant to achieve.

Conversely, there are also some patients who shouldn’t have this treatment. This includes anyone who:

  • Currently has a skin condition, such as an infection, a cold sore breakout, or moderate to severe disease (e.g., eczema or psoriasis)
  • Is pregnant
  • Is currently being treated with Accutane, anticoagulants, blood thinners, or chemotherapy or radiation therapy
  • Is allergic to the numbing medication used in the treatment