
PDO Threads: The Minimally Invasive Face Lift

The aesthetics industry is always looking for new ways to make patients look and feel younger with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. While there are dermal fillers, neurotoxins and other treatments available to help smooth out wrinkles and lines and provide some lifting effects, there is still a need for a facelift-type procedure that can be done without going under the knife. This is where thread lifts are gaining increasing popularity in the aesthetics industry.

What are PDO Threads?

PDO Threads are needles that are pre-loaded with a PDO (Polydioxanone) thread, or absorbable sutures. Polydioxanone is a biodegradable polymer frequently used in medical devices and can be fully absorbed by the body and does not create any scar tissue. The PDO thread is then injected at the subdermal level where they instantly begin to tighten and lift the skin. As the threads are being dissolved, usually taking 4-6 months, they stimulate collagen growth which helps lift the face. In comparison with previous thread lifts from the 90’s and early 2000’s, the PDO Threads can provide lift in two different directions, giving a more three-dimensional effect. Not to mention that previous thread lifts used permanent sutures, resulting in over pulling of the skin, and required a much longer down time.

The process is being called the “lunchtime lift” because it can be done in a matter of 1-2 hours and requires very little downtime, equivalent to the process of dermal fillers or neurotoxins. The results can last up to 18 months or longer especially if additional sutures are added over time.

Where Can PDO Threads Be Used?

PDO Threads are designed to be used almost anywhere in the body, but the greatest results have been seen in the jaw and neck, particularly because there aren’t many minimally invasive procedures for the jaw and neck. They can be used to achieve lifting in the cheeks, around the lips, or anywhere a loss in volume has occurred.

PDO Threads certainly won’t be replacing injectable treatments such as dermal fillers or neurotoxins such as Botox anytime soon. In fact, dermal fillers and other nonsurgical techniques are commonly used in conjunction with PDO Threads to enhance the effects and create longer lasting results.

As with any nonsurgical treatment, you must go through proper training on using this treatment. PDO Threads are not right for every patient, and you must talk with your patients about their expectations and goals before every procedure to make sure this is a good fit for them.