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The Importance of Follow Up In Aesthetic Treatments

A follow up appointment is pretty standard after any treatment is received. However, the follow up, just like the consultation is a truly crucial time for you, as the injector, to earn trust with your clients and set yourself apart from other injectors.

This is where you make sure the outcome is what the patient was wanting and expecting. This is the time to also talk about refinements if they are not satisfied. It doesn’t mean something went wrong or that you did something wrong, it’s just that you can’t always predict the outcome.  With time, you can see how the treatment is affecting the patient.

For the Injector:

The follow-up appointment after a treatment is a time for ensuring the outcome is something you would expect as a provider; basically double checking your work. Especially for those who are new into the field of aesthetics, the follow up helps injectors see what the results are yielding and then helps solidify the techniques used for the future.  Taking time to follow up with the patient sets you apart as an expert injector. It shows that you care about your patients.

The follow up is also a great time to cross educate your patients on other services your practice may provide, that maybe they weren’t ready for initially.  The patient is beginning to trust you and may be interested in a menu-item of complimentary services that you can offer them.