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What CBG Is and Answers To Top Patient Questions

As cannabis (hemp) products gain traction across the U.S., their various components are popping up all over the place. One of the latest is cannabigerol (CBG) and your patients may be wondering how or if it could benefit them, what the effects are, and how similar it is to THC. If you haven’t gotten these questions, you will and it’s worth some time to educate yourself and your team. To get you started, let’s dive into the most sought-after details.

What is CBG?

CBG is the precursor to CBD and THC, meaning it’s produced in the living plant before CBD and THC, which are produced from CBG. It also has a shorter availability and is produced in smaller amounts than the other two and is, as a result, the most expensive.

What does CBG do?

The research into CBG isn’t as well-established as for CBD and THC, but we know it has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties. Recent studies have shown it also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin-repairing properties that could help with aging, redness, and various skin conditions like dry skin. This combination of properties could have broad applications to help the skin’s ability to resist and recover from pollution, weather, overwashing, or eczema and other conditions.

Can you get high from CBG?

No. If you’re talking to a patient who’s worried about this, you can say with absolute confidence that CBG is not psychoactive. The same goes for CBD. That being said, if your patient wants to focus on the health benefits, they shouldn’t mix CBG with CBD or THC as it is still unclear how they interact.

How can CBG be taken?

CBG can be taken orally or applied topically, similarly to CBD. These simple methods open up the possibility for all sorts of CBG products for skincare and general health.

What makes CBG different from CBD?

They are most clearly different at the molecular level – CBG and CBD have the same molecular formula, but their molecules are arranged differently. At the practical level, they’re produced at different times in the plant’s growth and produce different effects in the human body. Their skincare applications are similar, but for different purposes.

The research on CBG is still new and many questions remain, though the results so far are very encouraging. Some research suggests CBG could be used to treat migraines, glaucoma, and even cancer.