
What Sets Volbella Apart from Other Spackling Agents

As we talked last week, Volbella for lip augmentation is here and it’s gaining the attention of many medical professionals. It has set itself apart from other products on the market, but what is it that is making it so special?

For one, there is no other product like this on the market. Yes, there are plenty of other “spackling” products for making the lips look fuller, and minimize the appearance of fine wrinkles and lines, but there are none that are this soft and light. Especially not out of the box. You can dilute other products to make them softer, but this is packaged and ready to go.

volbella for lip augmentation Volbella gives the appearance of airbrushing out the lips with a slight and soft augmentation. People often come in wanting to fix all the cracks, or vertical lines in their lips. That is exactly what Volbella does: It puts a soft icing along the lips. Plus it tends to add a nice silky sheen to the lips when complete, an added bonus! No other injectable has produced this type of result.

Volbella was engineered with perioral rhytids in mind. Often referred to as smoker’s lines, they are the lines that appear around the mouth as we age. Volbella helps smooth out those lines while offering a subtle lip plump as well. It also helps define the cupid’s bow or the dip in the middle of the upper lip.

There have been very few reports of swelling after treatment, which is another great feature of this product. Similar products, (ie Restylane Silk) have been reported to cause swelling and bruising around the treatment site. Volbella’s low concentration of hyaluronic acid means it is less likely to absorb water, which is why there is less swelling and bruising associated with it.

Volbella is a great and unique tool to add to your lineup of products especially for your patients looking for a natural and subtle fix to their lips with minimal side effects or downtime.