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Don’t Let Your Medi-Spa Fail

medi-spa Often times, people who open Medical Spas don’t realize what they are getting into, which is why so many Medical Spas fail. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid when opening your practice, whether you are a medical professional, or a non-medical professional becoming a partner, failure to understand the business will be your downfall.

  • DO NOT buy lasers or machines that you know nothing about from sales representatives. The information that sales reps bring should stay at the door and you should approach trusted colleagues and professionals for buying advice. A non-Medical person might buy any machine on the market. Here’s what could happen if you don’t do your research about the machines you buy:
    • Buying a non-FDA approved machine that will not be covered by malpractice is something were to happen.
    • Buying 2 of the exact same machine because they were under a different name.
    • Buying a second hand machine and not getting it covered because of trademark laws.
    • You will then have to dispose of these machines you cannot use, and you will likely have to shell out extra cash for that as well.
  • Inaccurate budgeting: Make sure you are leaving room in your budget for staff, marketing efforts, equipment, insurances, and more.
  • Lack of physician oversight and ownership: Especially if you are a non-medical professional, you will definitely need a physician or medical director that oversees procedures. Clients feel a sense of ease when they know there is a physician there just in case and it will really add value to your practice. You’ll want to check your state’s policies on ownership for legality reasons as well.
  • Staff Issues: We recently wrote about your front office staff and how necessary and important they are. Your staff can make or break your practice. From the front desk, to the injectors, to the physicians, you need to make sure your staff follows the guidelines and protocols that you set forward.
  • Bad consultations: See our advice on perfecting the aesthetic consultation. If you cannot turn consultations into clients, your practice will never excel.
  • Poor Marketing: You have to be proactive with your marketing efforts. Marketing will get your name out there and will prove your expertise in the field.

Referring to someone who has opened their own practice, knows the industry and the business, and has the experience is the best way to ensure your practice succeeds. They can help guide you in the right direction and advise on best practices. Most importantly, do your research. The more educated you are, the more likely your Medi Spa will succeed.