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What to Discuss With A First Time Injectee

Woman getting injections in her face looking side eyed and scared

The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly resulted in an influx of people flocking to aesthetic practices to enhance their looks after staring at themselves on Zoom meetings all day. This means […]

Choosing a Scheduling System

Nurse at desk viewing 2 lap top screens with keyboard. 1 screen has scheduling calendar with bars depicting time of appointments. 1 screen with analog calendar

Apps are everywhere for everything, including practices like yours. One of the most customer-facing activities to be addressed by the SaaS (software as a service) model is scheduling appointments. If […]

Build a marketing strategy that works

Medical Practice Marketing Strategy written on glass with with blue marker and `man standing behind it with 2 fingers on glass pointing to Marketing

The pandemic changed everything from how patients select a provider to how you handle post-treatment care and which marketing tactics deliver results. No matter the state of your current marketing […]

Hand Sanitizer and Your Skin

Woman putting sanitizing gel on hands

Hand sanitizers have surged in popularity since the onset of COVID19 and there are plenty of recommendations for which ones to buy. For one, those that contain at least 60% […]

Setting Goals that Energize 2021

Below chin view of doctor with stethoscope, pen in hand talking with female student nurse

“Start with the end in mind,” and how you’ll feel along the way. You have to know where you’re going and why, of course, but a year is a long […]

How to Level Up Your Practice in 2021

Nurse behind desk speaking with patient

Who doesn’t want to improve their practice every year? Whether you’re just getting started out or you’re starting to plan your exit, leveling up your practice in 2021 would be […]

Choosing a CRM For Your Practice

Medical professional using finger to tap on a electronic notepad with very faint symbols in foreground

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is meant to streamline the process of finding client leads and converting them into new, happy clients. There are options specific to medical practices […]