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Managing an Aesthetic Practice During COVID-19

Aesthetic practitioners around the country had to close their offices and cancel all scheduled procedures due to COVID-19. Therefore, many practitioners are wondering what to do now, how to keep their practice afloat, how to engage with clients, and overall how to manage this situation. We put a list together of tasks you could be doing to help manage this crazy and unusual situation and help keep your practice afloat.

Virtual Consultations

Telemedicine had already started gaining traction in the healthcare industry but now with the emergence of COVID-19, telemedicine has become an essential part of the entire healthcare industry, including aesthetics. Several aesthetic practitioners, including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, injectors, and more, are offering virtual consultations for their patients or potential patients. Virtual consultations are a great resource to get the needed information so that when the time is right, and you can get back into the office, patients know what to expect. Getting the initial consultation out of the way lets you start scheduling appointments as soon as you are able to. Stay tuned next week when we will cover the best tips for conducting the best virtual consultations.

These technologies also allow you to complete some of your follow up appointments through video conferencing. You can check in with your patient and on the progress of a completed procedure, injection, or treatment.

Business and Processes

With this forced time on your hands, it may be just the right time to do an overall evaluation of your business. For example, take a look at your business processes. We have awesome articles and resources on our blog about different practice management aspects from hiring staff, fine-tuning consultations, to growing your practice.

Or if you’ve been thinking about adding a new treatment or service to your practice, now would be a good time to research and educate yourself on it. You could even look into offering certain retail products or gift cards for future treatments on your website to generate some additional income during this time.


Marketing is one of those business items people tend to put on the back burner until they have the time to handle it. Well thanks to COVID-19, we all have a little extra time on our hands. This is a great time to update your website content, write blogs, refresh your social media channels and schedule some posts for when things get busy again. This is also a great time to reach out to your clients and ask for reviews. We have several resources on how to improve your marketing on our blog including how to improve your website, how to diversify your marketing, and how to effectively use social media and engage the millennial audience. While you need to be sensitive during these times, you can also work on branding exercises, promotions or targeted campaigns to launch when things return to (somewhat) normal again.


With all the downtime you may be experiencing, this is the perfect opportunity to continue educating yourself and learning more about every aspect of your business and practice. For example, we just hosted an online Facial Anatomy Power Hour for Injectors. As mentioned earlier, you could look into different treatments or procedures that you could add to your practice. Or, as previously discussed, educate yourself on different parts of your business, like marketing or process management. Use this time wisely to grow individually and ultimately grow and enhance your business.

Stay Connected

Above everything, it is critical to stay connected with your patients and clients during this uncertain and challenging time. People are looking for reassurance, regular communication, and honesty. Make sure to keep your website and social media update with any news related to your practice. Send tips or advice to cope during this time. Reach out individually to a handful of your best patients. Your thoughtfulness can go a long way in times like these and your patients will appreciate the gesture.

And finally, stay safe and healthy! 🙂